Hope & Help for The Future of Music

We’re excited to introduce our second Notes for Notes T-shirt design and offering for our Opening Set and Spring 2023 collections. As with all of our special “Hearts of the Art” partner items, 100% of the profits from the sales of the Notes for Notes T-shirt will be given directly to the organization.

The nonprofit Notes for Notes was founded in Santa Barbara, California, in 2006 as an answer to the lack of contemporary musical equipment and programs in public schools in order to provide youth with music and production instruction that produces both positive social-emotional and creative growth. Inspired by their time as Bigs in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program, the N4N Founders were focused on creating an environment with zero barriers to entry. Youth could have access to top of the line instruments, gear and Producers that would always be there to help them realize that talent inside themselves, all for FREE.

Today, N4N provides access to high-quality, recording studio environments, but more importantly, access to positive and encouraging relationships for more than 8,500 youth in 24 studios nationwide.

For more information about Notes for Notes, click here.

To check out our Notes for Notes T-shirt and special web section, click here.